
M.A. 在历史上

Application for Fall 2024 Open until Feb. 15



  • 2年全日制课程
  • 论文选项或综合考试
  • Choices from ancient to contemporary 历史
  • 地理专业
  • 研究 opportunities with internationally recognized faculty
  • Ph值的制备.D. 项目
  • Preparation for teaching, 政府, 博物馆工作, 或者政策研究和倡导

历史系有两个M.A. 项目: a thesis option and a non-thesis option. The latter requires additional coursework and written comprehensive exams in lieu of a thesis. 在任何一种选择下, students can choose from a wide variety of major fields, ranging from ancient to contemporary 历史 and including many geographic areas. Degree requirements under either option can be completed in two academic years. 大多数米.A. students in the department choose the thesis option. Students should select this option if they plan to pursue a Ph.D. degree or other advanced academic training.

职业发展机会: M.A. 课程为学生攻读博士学位做准备.D. program in 历史 or for a variety of careers, 包括教学职位, 政府, 博物馆工作, 或者政策研究和倡导.

顾问 & 计划形式

所有的米.A. students should have a faculty adviser, with whom they consult on a regular basis about their program of study. The adviser is a faculty member whose expertise coincides with the student’s major field of study. M.A. 字段列在M.A. program page on the 历史 Department website. Entering students have a provisional adviser. A student’s interests may evolve after beginning the M.A. program, and it is possible to change advisers. A student who changes his or her adviser should inform the graduate office. 任何这样的变化, 当然, also involves consultation with the old and new advisers and securing their consent. 参见教师研究领域.

在咨询了他们的顾问后,M.A. 学生应完成M.A. planning form (thesis or non-thesis) and file a copy with the 历史 Department's graduate office. Student should update the planning form whenever making changes in their course of study. Students often fulfill degree requirements by taking different courses than originally expected. 发生这种变化的原因有很多, 这总是很困难, 如果不是不可能的话, to know which courses will be offered a year or more in advance.

Keep a copy of the planning form on your computer and email copies to the graduate secretary and your faculty adviser. Each time you make a change in your planning form, email the revised version to both. 然而 you maintain your planning form, please make sure that the 历史 Department graduate office always has the current version.


论文和非论文M.A. students must successfully complete a research seminar. 对于那些在美国工作的人.S. 历史, the seminar is usually offered every year; for those in modern European 历史, every other year; for those in pre-modern fields and nonwestern 历史, 通过安排.

一般来说,M.A. students do not have to satisfy a language requirement. At the discretion of a thesis supervisor, 然而, a student may be required to demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English if necessary to his or her degree program, 特别是在欧洲, 拉丁美洲的, 以及其他非美国的历史领域. 参加非论文硕士课程的学生.A. 学位对语言没有要求. 


The thesis option requires the completion of seven graduate-level courses, including a one-semester research seminar, 外加一篇论文. 论文-option candidates must choose a major field (three courses) and a minor field (two courses) from the following areas of concentration:

  • 美国
  • 现代欧洲
  • 近代早期欧洲
  • 古代和中世纪的欧洲
  • 拉丁美洲
  • 非洲
  • 东南亚
  • 东亚
  • 中东

Within these areas of concentration students develop a chronological, national, or thematic focus. This enables students to complete both the major and minor fields within the same area of concentration, although many students complete the major and minor fields in different areas of concentration. 被录取的学生 近代史研究所 may use the two required courses in that program to satisfy the minor field.


The non-thesis option requires the completion of eight graduate-level courses:

  • Six courses split between two fields of three courses each
  • 史学课程
  • 还有一个学期的研究研讨会

At the end of the program the student must take written, comprehensive examinations in two fields of three courses he or she has selected. The exams will be based on the student’s coursework in those fields. The available fields are the same as those in the thesis option. (见上面的列表.)


There is no language requirement under either option. 然而, a thesis supervisor may require a student to demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English if necessary for the completion of his or her degree program. This is typically the case in thesis-option fields outside U.S. 或英国历史. For instance, a student pursuing a thesis-option M.A. in German 历史 would be expected to use German language sources in writing his or her thesis.